Tuesday Rambles: Ahhhhh.... Summer

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1. Woo hoo, finally back in the blogosphere! I never realized how hard it can be coming up with material to put on a blog. Kudos to all of the hardcore bloggers out there! Yes, I am now back in full force. It took a while to shake off another successful semester and ease my way into summer.

2. Tis the season for visiting! Or at least having visitors. Really good friends of my in-laws came last week. It was some fun times going out to eat and hanging at the Irvine Spectrum. On Monday they went home and my cousin arrived from Egypt. So, we get to do the whole touristy thing again! It's always fun visiting with people you haven't seen in a while (or even people you just met). Nights are spent catching up while days are occupied with seeing the sights. Ahhh the wonderful flow of summer!

3. With all of this visiting going on, I have decided I need a new camera. While I love my Olympus, it's a little outdated and doesn't hold as many pictures as I would like. Since I love to scrapbook, a camera is a necessity. Hmmmm... which one should I choose?

4. Marriage is not kind to your waistline. Enough said.

5. I shall end these random thoughts with something to ponder: If olive oil is made from olives and corn oil is made from corn, what's baby oil made out of?